Mostly just me, thinking on "paper." Not much editting, just me hashing out my thoughts.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
family barbecue
Well, we are having a family barbecue. I bought a bunch of sunscreen yesterday and I took the kids to Wal-Mart today and got them new swimsuits, so we are all ready for the summer. Well, mostly. We could use some more shorts and some flip-flops, but that's going to have to wait. We will be leaving in about an hour to go to Josh's Mom's house where everyone will be gathering for the barbecue.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Random Paparazzo activities
Jeremiah has a baseball game this afternoon and then I have to teach at CR I believe, so me and the kids will be going there. Josh is going out on the town with his brother, Raymond, after the game. It should be interesting. I hope we're having something good to eat at CR tonight. My taste buds are bored.
Market Day
Well, today is market day at school and Jeremiah is trying to find things to sell at market day. He wants to sell everything we own!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Last day of soccer
Well, the girls had their last soccer game today, so that's the end of that. And now Angela's got my cold. She had a terrible sore throat during her game tonight, poor thing. They have both decided they'd like to try softball next year. Well Angela will play pitching machine ball and Chloe will play tee ball, but you know, heading in the direction of softball. Maybe they'll play soccer in the fall. We'll see. This weekend we're getting them new swimsuits to get them ready for the summer. I don't think they'll be getting lessons, just going to the pool to play in the afternoons. Josh teaches them a little sometimes. He used to be trained as a swim instructor. He still has a few tricks up his sleeves to teach kids to swim. They don't always listen to him, but it's the best we can do. Can't afford swim lessons.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Okay, going crazy! More pictures!
My family's home
Well, my family just arrived home from grandma's. I hope they had a good time. I'm sure they did. Angela wants to go somewhere again. She never just wants to just stay home.
memorial day
What do you know. It's a holiday and I'm sick. My family's at Josh's mom's house hanging out with Kaci and Raymond while they're here. They came up from California where they're based at right now. Raymond's in the Navy.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Second attempt at putting a picture on here.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Daddy-Daughter Dance
Well, the girls and Josh went to the daddy-daughter dance at our church. They had a great time it sounds like. Won a couple of prizes, got their pictures taken with daddy and danced all night! Josh bought Angela this pretty sparkly silver shoes for the dance. She didn't have any dress shoes. He rented a tux! I'm sure they felt like the most prized princesses in all the world! And that's what it's all about!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
School play
Well the play is tonight and tomorrow afternoon. I talked to the school and Jeremiah will be able to participate in the play even though he's missed school the last 2 days. I hope he is able to perform well tonight. Again the girls are going to miss their soccer games, but they, too, are in the play. Jeremiah is a bumblebee, Angela is a math book, and Chloe is a penny. I will report more later. Oh, by the way, Dr. Ariyawansa did not shed any more light on the situation. We will be finding out who Mateo's mom is and making an appointment with her maybe.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Jeremiah update
Well, I hope today goes well. I think the kids all school play is tomorrow and the next day. The free one is on Friday. I have to check my emails to get some times on that. I definitely need to go. Definitely not tomorrow probably. By the way, Jeremiah definitely has asthma. They gave him Singulair, which he'll probably be taking from now on unless Dr. Ariyawansa (spelling) has a better idea. That's the doctor he has an appointment with on Thursday. Of course, for now he's on another medication to keep any swelling down. He has another inhaler that he started using Monday night that has medicine in it that he takes every morning and evening. He had that prescribed when he saw the allergy and asthma specialist on Monday. The girls missed their soccer games again last night. Poor things. They sure need some special attention.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Update on Jeremiah and a wonderful blessing from God
Okay, so we had to take Jeremiah to the ER on Monday night and again this afternoon. He's got an appointment with a Pediatrician who has taken a special interest in management of asthma. That's on Thursday. He has to stay home between now and then. He's not going to school or baseball. Not because the doctor said he had to but because Josh insisted. We're trying to avoid another ambulance ride. I was not able to be reached today and they had to call an ambulance to the school. I met him at the hospital, girls in tow. The girls got a little rambunctious while we were there and I decided to try and find someone to watch them for an hour or so. So I got in the car to head home and start in our neighborhood trying to find someone available to watch them. I saw my friend, Christina, who has a couple of kids that go to the charter school with my kids. She was downtown with her kids. She stopped to talk to me and find out how Jeremiah was. I told her, he was okay, but needed to stay for a while longer to be monitored in case he had a relapse and that I was looking for someone to watch the girls for a while until I could bring Jeremiah home. I told her Josh is in Spokane so I'm on my own. She said she was just running some errands and could take Angela and Chloe with them. It was such a blessing. They went to Wal-mart where she bought my girls some new crocs! Then, she took them to McDonald's and fed them! I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to thank her! I'm definitely going to have to watch her kids for her or something. She's such a giving person. This is not the first time she's done something wonderful for me and my family. She's just an incredible woman of God. I absolutely love her.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Josh not gone yet
Okay, so I was wrong. He's not leaving until tonight after Jeremiah's baseball game, which is today not Thursday, so I'm good for Thursday and Josh is sure he'll be back before then anyway.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Getting ready for a few days without Dad
Have I mentioned how priceless Josh to the operation of this family? Well, if I haven't I've been remiss! This family only functions because of him. I am feeling even more than usual tonight. He is leaving for a business trip in the morning and he'll be back no sooner than Thursday. I may not see him until Friday afternoon! Which means all baseball practices, games, soccer games, etc., are entirely my responsibility. I have to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be when they're supposed to be there and they have everything they need! Aah! Usually there are 2 of us to take care of these things, and it's a good thing! I can think of many occasions that something would not happen for one of the kids if we didn't have two cars and two drivers. This week, only one. And I sure hope he can get back on Thursday, cause the girls have soccer games in Moscow, while Jeremiah has a baseball game in Genesee! That will be virtually impossible if he doesn't come back. Unless I can get someone else from the team to take him on Thursday. We'll just have to see how things work out.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A down day
Well, I was going to go to Josh's mom's house today and look at her scrapbooking supplies, since I'm running low, but I still hadn't done the laundry and was really tired after this week. I've been pretty stuffed up and have had a mild headache all day. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Busy with kids
Wow! What a busy day! Josh and I went to a barbecue at Good Sam's and then later I took the girls to Angela's soccer game. Then, we went over to Hordeman's Pond for Jeremiah's Cub Scout awards ceremony and barbecue. (Talk about a lot of barbecue in one day!) Then, I went to Celebrate Recovery for the last half of it. The group sharing time and snacks and fellowship afterwards. I missed the teaching and worship time. That's the best part as far as I'm concerned. The other stuff is very important though. Can't do without that in my life either. Keeps me connected with people and on track. I'm really tired and wondering if I'm going to be up to spending time with Candy and her kids tomorrow. They are always all over me. The two older girls are anyway. And after this week, I may really need a nap!
Spring Book Extravaganza
Well, last night was the Spring Book Extravaganza for Title I students (that's a special reading program)in the Moscow School District. We eat pizza and cake to celebrate the end of the school year and all their successes. Also door prizes and they give all the kids new books including siblings. Jeremiah chose Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Chloe chose The Little Engine That Could. And Angela got James and the Giant Peach as well as a pocket dictionary. We are also the proud owners of a new white board for the kids with new dry erase markers. I haven't had any dry erase markers for a long time, so I'm now using my white board again. For appointments and other scheduled things that need to be remembered. I'll also use it for general things I need to remember to do or buy maybe.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jeremiah update
Wow! It's been a while. Well, they don't think Jeremiah has allergies. They think he either has a form of asthma or what they call Vocal Cord Paralysis. The second condition is very rare. Basically, what happens with this is the vocal cords spasm, causing him to have raspy breath. It's basically harmless, except what they think is happening is when his vocal cords spasm he panics, because he feels like he can't breathe even though he's getting plenty of oxygen and then he starts to hyperventilate and it escalates from there. Whenever he goes to the hospital and they hook him up to the monitors his oxygen level is normal. That's why she suspects Vocal Cord Paralysis. The good news it seems to only show up in kids who are very smart and have active minds. That definitely sounds like my very curious little scientist. And I like the idea of that one, cause as soon as he realizes it's nothing to worry about he'll be just fine.
Friday, May 8, 2009
updates on children's activities
Well, today's the day of Jeremiah's doctor's appointment. Hopefully, we'll learn something this afternoon. He's probably going to miss the first part of his baseball game, but that's okay. Without his doctor's okay he wouldn't be able to play at all. Chloe and I will meet them at the ball field. He's picking up both Angela and Jeremiah from school. Angela has something fragile to bring home from school, so she needs to be picked up from school as well. Chloe played soccer last night. She has fun, but she's a little timid about kicking the ball. She's doing a lot better than she did at their first game though. Angela didn't have a game last night, but she's improving as well. She's never been timid at all, though! She's just got more skills now. One of her teammates is in her class at school, so they've been practicing during recess. Her friend's been playing longer, so she's taught Angela a few things. The girls are enjoying it enough that I think we'll probably be playing soccer again in the fall. They also had their last AWANA's this week. Their award ceremony. Jeremiah got a certificate for memorizing 16 verses. He just joined a few months ago. Angela got a church patch, a blue jewel, and her first book award (for completing her first book). I think the blue jewel was for attendance, but I'm not sure. Chloe got a church patch. I'm pretty sure the church patch is for church attendance. Jeremiah attended regularly obviously, but he wasn't in AWANA's long enough to get that. Next year they all should be able to attend the whole year. Well, I'm not sure Chloe's going to go. She didn't really like it much. She was fine with the bible learning, but didn't really like the games too much. We'll see what she thinks next fall.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Update on Jeremiah
Wow! I have a ton to update you on. I think I'll just talk about the most recent major event in our lives for now. Jeremiah woke up 2 nights ago twice, having breathing troubles. He was real tired and wanted to stay home from school and rest. I thought it was a good idea, but Josh didn't, so I made him go to school. Shortly after he got to school I got a phone call from Josh telling me to meet him at the hospital. He was on the way there with Jeremiah. He had trouble breathing at school and used the inhaler a couple of times, but it wasn't helping, so Josh had to take him to the hospital. I met them there. He was doing fine by the time I got there. Josh needed to go to work, so I stayed with him until he was released. He can't do anything strenuous until he sees our doctor. That appointment is tomorrow. I think I told you Thursday, but apparently I got the date wrong when Josh gave it to me. Tomorrow at 3:30, right after schoo, he will be seeing Dr. Lawrence. Hopefully, we will learn more than. They took more blood to test at the hospital, so those results may be back at that time. Hopefully she'll give him the go ahead to play in his game Friday evening. They only have 11 players, so they really kind of need him. Plus, I just really don't want this to mess up his season. He's been looking forward to this season since last season ended! I hate to have him not be able to play because of this. Plus, he's had no problems at practice or games. I guess they just didn't want to risk it after his episode yesterday. So he missed practice again last night. Poor little guy! I sure do love him a lot!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Going to church
We're about to go to church. It's still gloomy around here. Not likely we're going to go to the Renaissance Fair.
Renaissance Fair
Angela went to the Renaissance Fair while we were at the Jamboree. We were going to all go after the Jamboree, but it was freezing cold and raining. If it stops tomorrow afternoon we may go. I don't know if it's going to stop though.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Baseball Jamboree
Well, Jeremiah's jamboree for Cal Ripken is today. We are all getting ready. It is all day of baseball and it is EXHAUSTING! Josh is getting picnic stuff, so we can have a picnic in the park. He says we're going to make it fun. The girls aren't home right now. They spent the night at a friend's house. They're going to be dropped off at the park around 10 am and then Angela will be picked up by another friend to go to the Renaissance Fair. Chloe and Jeremiah want to go, too, but they're going to have to wait until tomorrow after church. If we even go to church. Like I said, this thing really is exhausting. They also get there baseball pictures done during this also. It is a crazy, fun (for some), busy, exhausting day. Anyway, nothing new on Jeremiah's diagnosis. Probably won't know any more until his appointment on Thursday.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Still waiting to find out more
Well, Jeremiah's test results returned and everything was negative, so we have no idea what is going on with him. For right now they've decided he has to have an inhaler and an epi pen with him at all times. So now we have five epi pens. The school has one, we have one at home, I have one, Josh has one, and Jeremiah has one in his jacket pocket. We're going to have to get him a fanny pack or something to carry that and his inhaler around in in the summer. I think Josh just keeps his in his car. Mine's in my purse, where I also carry those benadryl strips. Something that was also recommended that we carry as well. Josh has some of those as well. They come with a handy little container to carry them around in. Of course Jeremiah has the only inhaler. He's had to use that a few times since our incedent on Tuesday. Also I have a tester to test his respirations. I have to take three breathing measurements every morning and write those down for the doctor. He didn't do so well on one of them this morning. I hope the numbers are helpful. I hope we can figure this out soon. He has an appointment with our regular doctor on Thursday and in a couple of months they plan on getting him in to see an allergy specialist in Spokane, Washington. Please pray that we find out soon what is going on with our son, so we know what to avoid and can find our new normal and have a good family routine again soon.
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