I was getting sick! Very sick! I had no idea. Yesterday my temperature peaked at around 103! I don't remember the last time I had what could actually be classified as a fever! No wonder I felt like I was dying and everything hurt so much! Angela, you do not want to get sick! Trust me! I would rather be stressed out with too much work to do than absolutely miserable and knowing that my husband is the one running my kids everywhere in-between obligations because I am totally out of commission! Figures I'd be that sick on a Wednesday! My most delightfully busy day of the week! See that's the day that I sort of have a social life. I go to bible study (so all that studying was wasted since I wasn't there) and then after school and homework and dinner, me and the girls go to Girl Scouts. Turns out I might get to be an Assistant Girl Scout Leader for the Jr. Girl Scouts after all! They'll have to train me from scratch because I know absolutely nothing about Girl Scouts. I, myself, never got past Brownies, which is what Chloe is at this point, plus I think too much like a Boy Scout, with my son being a Boy Scout and my husband being what they call a professional Boy Scout (which I still think sounds so funny). I was going to ask if I could be an Assistant Scout Master to which my daughter (Angela) said, "Mom you've got to quit calling them Scout Masters. They're not Scout Masters in Girl Scouts. They're called Girl Scout Leaders. You've got to stop thinking like a Boy Scout." She's right. Time to stop thinking like a Boy Scout and start thinking like a Girl Scout.
P.S. If you were wondering my temerature was down to 99.5 when I checked it this morning. Still sick, but not as miserable as I was. By the way, my average temp isn't 98.6 like most people's. It's usually more in the low 97 range, so 103 is especially bad. Probably more like the rest of you having a temp of 104.
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