Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chloe's Birthday

well, the weather stayed nice yesterday long enough for us to have Chloe's party. Well, non-rainy anyway through all the main stuff. The Pizza, cake and ice cream, and presents. And they got to spend a little time in the pool before we got a few sprinkles. It never really rained until early the next morning. It could have been a little warmer, but it was still fun. Everybody who got in the pool froze, but oh, well. They all wanted to swim anyway, of course. You know kids. Nothing fazes them. My mom came up and brought my nephew with her. He'd never been to our pool here in Moscow. He had a great time and was he and mom were the last one's to leave the pool. Mom told us to go ahead and she'd meet us at the house. We had some cake and ice cream and also lots of presents to take home. Besides Chloe was real anxious to play with her new things and we didn't really want her to start getting things out at the pool. She got lots of small, crafty kind of things that would be hard to keep track of. Another treat was Josh's Aunt Judy and cousin, Barb were up visiting from Texas and were able to come to the party with Josh's mom of course. And several of Chloe's classmates came. It was loads of fun.

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