Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! I look like a monkey and I know I sound like one too!!!! I'm taking a small pause in the pictures to celebrate MEEEEEE!!! I know, I'm so selfish. And if you're wondering how old I am, I'm 26! And if you believe that I might even buy YOU a present for my birthday! Unfortunately I didn't get to go to church today, because my oldest daughter caught the cold I had last week and my son had this week. My younger daughter I think has it, too, but she's pretty functional, just really sniffly. Angela, however, is sound asleep in my bed right now. She told me she was fine and we were all up early and getting ready for church, but then she was laying on the couch looking miserable and I said, ""Are you sure you're okay. We shouldn't go if you're sick." She said she didn't want to ruin my birthday, so we could go and she'd just sleep in the cry room. What a sweet little girl I have! But I didn't want to do that, so we stayed home! I didn't want to do that to her and I didn't think the church people would like that idea either. I told her we could still go out to lunch after she took a nap, so she really isn't ruining my birthday! We're going to lunch at Patty's Kitchen at my request!


  1. Sometimes a day at home with nothing to do is a heavenly celebration! Sorry your kids are sick, though. Have a happy birthday!
