Friday, April 15, 2011

The White Elephant

This is my daughter, Angela, on the ancient (I'm pretty sure my grandmother rode this thing when she was a kid) white elephant outside the White Elephant store in Spokane. And yes, you're eyes are not deceiving you. It really is only ten cents still to ride this thing. I'm pretty sure they haven't changed the price since my grandparents were kids either. And actually, for us it was free, because when you make a purchase in the store (we made several), they give each of the kids a dime to ride the white elephant!

If you've never been to the White Elephant, you really must! It is the ultimate toy store! They have everything from big man toys to baby toys and everything in between! Our whole family loves it! Yes, including me, if I can yank my man away from drooling over the guns long enough to show him the things I love or that I think we should get for the kids! The kids were tired before we went here and just wanted to find a hotel so they could sleep. They'd never been to White Elephant before. I promised them that they would be instantly energized the moment they saw what was inside! They weren't too impressed at first (cause all they saw were guns and camping gear: the big man toys)! But then we arrived at the kids section! Oh, my goodness, they were not tired anymore!!!!!! It was hard to get them to stay in one place for 5 seconds! They were dashing from one thing to another, "Oh, mom! Look at this! Mom, look at this!" I found myself being pulled in 3 completely different directions at the same time! (Now mom's the one who's tired :)) It was so much fun. I myself got a giraffe beanie baby. Did I mention that they have great prices, too, or that I love giraffes? The one I really wanted I later saw in a toy store downtown and it was almost as tall as me!!!! I didn't even want to look at the price on that one. I told Jeremiah, "You're going to buy me that one, right?" He looked at me like I'd lost my mind. I pretty much did when I saw that one! Although, I really don't know where I'd put it in this tiny house! It was a blast and everyone got something. Angela got a small set of PlayMobil stuff. Chloe got some toy plastic horses with mats to play with them on and fences and trees, as well. I don't remember what Jeremiah got? Josh got some stuff for camping I believe. It's a fantastic place! If you ever find yourself in Spokane, Washington, look up the White Elephant! It's a must! I vaguely remember going there as a child and loving it! I remember very little of my childhood. My life really is a big blur up until about 5th grade, when I was 12 years old. I have very few clear memories before that and most of what I remember is kind of confusing and mixed up with other things so much that I'm not even entirely sure what happened when.


  1. Fun! I've always driven by the store, but never went in. Guess now I should. ;) My husband is a giraffe lover, too!

  2. Smart man! And I can't believe you've never gone in! You absolutely have to!
